Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Red Dawn

This morning at 6:05, I looked out the window and saw the most beautiful sunrise! I ran out next to the dog run, and took a picture of the sky. I thought that “red sky in the morning” meant it was supposed to be a stormy day, but the weather forecast is for sunny and clear. We’ll just have to wait and see, I guess


Only a few things of interest to report today, but this one is so exciting! On Monday morning, we had the Rainsoft Reverse-Osmosis water purifier refurbished. The man, all the way from Spirit Lake, IA, replaced a cracked canister, all the filters, some hoses, and I had to buy a new faucet as well. All in all, the bill was a little over $300.00, but that is OK, because the unit itself is $1,590.00 new. And it came with the house!!!! And it is guaranteed forever. Now that it is registered to us, we will get free parts, and if we die and the kids buy the house, they get free parts forever, and so on. It is SOOOOO nice being able to drink reverse-osmosis water from my own faucet! My dear friends Connie and Norm (see her blog on the right-hand column of this page-cpthegreat) have been supplying me since April, and I am most grateful for their generosity. Thanks, Connie!


Speaking of Connie, I also need to say a great big THANK YOU for helping me set up my blog. Connie is a computer wizard. She is one of those people that need to drive around town in a little black and white Volkswagen with “Geek-Squad” written on the side. When I rave about her computer prowess, she contradicts with “Someone once taught me! I had to learn once, too!!” But learning, and retaining, and being able to teach are three different things, my dear friend! And so I publicly and officially THANK YOU for being so kind as to share with me!

Also, I purchased a yearling Boer buck goat on Saturday. He was just one year old in July. He is an absolute sweetheart! They called him “Little Billy,” but since we already have a Billy, I want to change his name. I have not thought of anything yet. Have any suggestions?? If so, write them in the comments for this page!


We had fried green tomatoes for dinner – Lord, have MERCY! I thought I had died and gone to heaven! Oh, how I love fried green tomatoes!!!


Don and I had a wonderful bonfire last night. The stars were out as well, and you even could see the Milky Way. Lovely!


Y'all have a wonderful day!


ribbit98 said...

How about Cream Puff for the goat's name? He looks so soft & sweet! You've got to be a true Bontrager if you like green fried tomatoes! Haven't had any in years but I like them too! And I absolutely love your blog! Did you get my e-mail asking permission to send the link to the rest of the cousins? I'm waiting...and pretty soon I'm going to go ahead and send it, permission or no!~Susan

ribbit98 said...

Your beautiful sunset on the farm rivals our beautiful sunset on the lake! ~SH

goodshepherd said...

Cousin Susan! Yes! Absolutely you can send the link to the cousins! And I am very glad that you enjoy the blog. Keep watching: interesting things happen around here all the time!!!

Connie Peterson said...

That sunrise is absolutely awesome. And to think I missed it!

Not Cream Puff for a boy! A manly name for a manly man! He looks like a "Joe" to me! Or, if you are going to keep with a theme, like your Asti, how about a good Beer name for a Beer Boer? A German beer!

I won't repeat myself about the computer, but accept your gratitude - however, I once was "young" with computers, too. I've just been playing with them for 25 years or more.

See you soon - can't wait to see the new stuff! :)

Anonymous said...

I've already suggested some names, etc. on your e-mail. I'm not going to make any comments on names. Yes, there are a few I DON'T agree with. Only one suggestion: "BraveHeart" for the baby Yak??