Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's A Boy!

Holy Cow!! Did we ever have exciting news when we got home from shopping in Windom today. We drove into the barnyard, and THERE HE WAS! Right alongside his momma, already dried, standing, and walking, was this teeny-tiny little baby yak!


Momma (aka: Starlight) let us come right up and stand and watch. He walked all around his mom, and ate his lunch, and then laid down right underneath her and took a little nap. Don called momma into the pen to have some pellets and a long drink of water, and then - after locking the gate! - we went over to inspect the little guy. And at that point we found out that he was actually a little boy. Don was hoping so badly for a little girl, but, as you can see, he is delighted with his little boy:


Here are more pictures of our 35-pound miracle:


Have you noticed something odd about the shape of the spot on his little forehead?


Remember when we had a Red Dawn this morning? It really did act like it was going to be stormy for awhile, but no bad weather actually happened. Just a little wind, and some gorgeous clouds. You know, I have never been to Hawaii, and I hear the sunsets are beautiful there…but I don’t see how any sunsets can compare to the ones that we have out here on the prairie. I’ll share with you tonight’s sunset:


The view from our front steps of the Amo Lutheran Church just down the road. See the rainbow next to the church? Cool, huh?!!


We hope that you have a wonderful day tomorrow. Blessings to you all….


…from Good Shepherd Farm!

1 comment:

Connie Peterson said...

You need a nice romantic name for him! Valentino is already taken (well .............). I knew a female who's name was Peg O'My Heart.

He is so lovely - I am surprised, though, that Starlight allowed you to visit him - even with the gate locked!

It WAS a beautiful sunset, wasn't it? We were coming home at that time.